Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Getting fired is never fun.

I lost my job yesterday. I can not tell you how hurt I was by this. I felt/feel betrayed. I was a loyal employee. I worked hard, was rarely late, and did my job well. They claimed that there were "performance and scheduling issues". I was so pissed off by this.

For one, I do not have performance issues. Even my co-workers thought I was a great employee. They've told me. They're all shocked by this.

Secondly, scheduling issues is a bullshit excuse. I get out of school every night at 4:45. The evening shifts don't start til 5:15 or 6. I could easily work those but I was only getting 1-2 ever since school started. If they don't want to work with students, then they shouldn't hire them.

I don't think it's fair at all. I heard they fired others but I'm not sure. I didn't do anything to deserve this and they never even spoke to me. I've never been written up or anything. It's not right but it is what it is and I'm moving on. I'm just really hurt that they would do this to me.

The worst part is that they said that I'm not a "good match". That's such bullshit. I've worked there for over a year and I'm not a good match?! Yeah. I'm so sure.

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